Healthy Salad Dressings
I love salads but a good salad needs a tasty dressing. I don’t like store bought ones because normally they have too much sugar or too much sodium and other preservatives. So instead, I rather make my own healthy alternatives.
Here are some of my favorite salad dressings that I’m always making it.
Salad with Miso Tahini dressing 😋🥗
🥗Vegan Tahini Miso Dressing:
🌱1/4 tahini;
🌱1/4 cup miso;
🌱1/4 cup water, plus more if needed;
🌱2 tsp garlic powder;
🌱 Juice of 1 lemon 🍋;
🌱 1 to 2 tsp molasses or maple syrup 🍯 (optional) ;
🌱 Pepper for taste 🌶 ( I added cayenne and lots of black pepper);
🌱 A bit of any dry herbs (parsley, oregano…)🌿 .
Just pour all the ingredients in a jar and mix well until gets very smooth. Add more water if needed.
Add to your salads or any Buddha bowls!
🥗 Molho Vegano de Tahini & Missô:
🌱 1/4 xícara de tahine;
🌱 1/4 xícara de missô;
🌱 1/4 de xícara de água e mais se necessário;
🌱 2 colheres de chá de alho em pó;
🌱 Suco de 1 limão 🍋;
🌱 1 ou 2 colheres de chá de melaço ou xarope de bordo (opcional);
🌱 Pimenta a gosto 🌶 (adicionei pimenta caiena e muita pimenta preta);
🌱 Um pouco de ervas secas (salsa, orégano …)
Apenas despeje todos os ingredientes em uma jarra e misture bem até ficar bem homogêneo. Adicione mais água, se necessário.