Tropical Protein Blue Nice Cream

Just got my @310nutrition supplements and their new shake flavor: toasted coconut 🥥🙌🏽
All products are vegan and the shakes are only 90cal per serving which makes them perfect for my plant based diet! 😋
Try for yourself. They have so many deals and kits for your fitness journey! I got the:
🧡@310 Toasted Coconut Shake: packed with plant protein;
🧡@310 THIN: features raspberry ketones and green coffee bean extract to help your body work at peak performance and support your weight loss journey;
🧡@310 IMMUNE SUPPORT: with medicinal mushrooms, including Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi. They are powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may help strengthen immunity and help keep you well. They support total body health, long life, and vitality! 🙏🏽
Go to my link for 15% off :
Here is the Nice Cream Recipe!
🇺🇸 Ingredients:
🥭2 frozen bananas;
🥭1 big slice frozen pineapple (cut into small chunks);
🥭Half frozen mago (cut into small chunks);
🥭1 scoop Toasted Coconut by @310nutrition Shake;
🥭2 tsp blue butterfly pea or blue spirulina;
🥭1/4 cup coconut water;
🙌🏽 Blend all and serve topped with fruits, a tablespoon of almond butter and oats.
🇧🇷 Ingredientes:
🥭 2 bananas congeladas;
🥭 1 fatia grande de abacaxi congelado (cortado em pequenos pedaços);
🥭 ½ manga congelada (cortada em pequenos pedaços);
🥭 1 colher de proteina sabor coco torrado @ 310nutrition Shake;
🥭 2 colher de chá de ervilha borboleta azul ou spirulina azul;
🥭 1/4 xícara de água de coco;
🙌🏽 Bata tudo no liquidificador e sirva com frutas, uma colher de sopa de manteiga de amêndoa e aveia.
💙BLUE COLOR PSYCHOLOGY: People describe you as grounded, or centered. You are empathetic to others, highly organized and thrive in a calm environment.

Stay safe and healthy! 🙏🏽💋